Friday, March 31, 2006

I have a REAL blog too

It's not this one. Or it wasn't intended to be this one, but creating this one seems like the best decision after my REAL blog caught an infection. It picked up the disease me-itis. My REAL blog--the one I started intending to use for reflecting on screenwriting/consulting/etc.--has become more like a psuedo journal. It contains in it's hallowed pages, the stuff of my life which I consider reasonably suitable for public consumption. I maintain a REAL journal (on for all the actually private stuff. If you wanna see My Life blog, you can find it on my website: Have fun over there; don't break anything!

That said, THIS blog will proceed to be the place where I record my pursuit of creative satisfaction as a writer, screenwriter, story analyst (reader), and script consultant. If you stick around long enough you'll probably even see me eventually go on to direct and produce (though that's waaaay out on the horizon). Aim for the stars and you'll at least make it to the moon.

1 comment:

Patrick J. Rodio said...

Hey, first time caller. Welcome!