Friday, June 23, 2006

Or, I'll write something else...

One responder to my most recent post suggested that I just let loose with my Stealing Eve idea. They suggested that my own pure approach would make rough similarities moot. I've decided that I agree. The truth is probably that there are thousands upon thousands--probably millions--of scripts in Hollywood, which, if we as screenwriters were aware, we might find that many of our "original" ideas are not as original as they seem at first blush. The truth is that many ideas have already been done--produced--in one form or another, and still many others have been written. Let us not worry about treading on familiar ground, such worry would only paralyze our capacity to write. Instead, let us craft the best version of our every tale, unleash it into the wilds, and hope for the best. If nothing else they'll make excellent writing samples. I hear that rewrite work pays uber-bucks (moolah, greenbacks, etc.).

More relevent to this posts title, I had breakfast with a good (and brilliant) friend of mine the day before. We hashed over ideas--his own and mine--and came up with some stuff I'm anxious to begin on. I'd forgotten about my idea for a delicious romantic comedy: one which focuses upon the challenge of finding happiness, true love, and the perfect anti-depressant. I call it Knowing Abby. Charming and intriguing. There were a couple other ideas discussed, but I don't recall the specifics without my notes. The only problem with my Knowing Abby idea is that I have a strong emotional theme--which, I guess, is good...especially for a romance--but no structure yet. The emotional core/meaning of things is what I'm really good at, or at least it's what comes easiest.

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